The family of coilers (with right or left coiling) of the FX series, by Simplex Rapid, is the result of over 2 years of research and development for compression springs. The models currently available cover a working range that goes from the wire with Ø 0.1 mm to Ø 1.5 mm: FX 5 Ø 0.1 – 0.8 mm; FX 10 Ø 0.15 – 1.1 mm; FX 15 Ø 0.25 – 1.5 mm. The target of this new family of machines is to reach performances (speed and precision) never attained before, maintaining at the same time a competitive price. To enhance the performances, the whole kinematics of the machine has been optimized, reducing weights and frictions. The attentive engineering has allowed – as indirect advantage – the reduction of mechanical components by 30%. This notable saving allows offering the machines at an extremely competitive price, especially if related to technological contents: price inferior by 10-15% with performances increased by 30-50%. All FX machines grant the following advantages: overall dimensions reduced by 30%; direct kinematics (motor/tool) for all machine axes; state-of-the-art hardware; very high performances (ex: FX 10 = 1,000 springs/min.) coupled with optimization of energy consumptions; new management software that constantly monitors the motor motions granting absence of positioning errors even at very high speeds; monolithic group for cutting slide and plug-holding body; optimized tool geometries to allow using the rotary cutting system (Simplex Rapid patent dating back to the Sixties) even with critical springs with reduced diameter.