PAGANONI® Division

The trademark PAGANONI® belongs to the company MARIO NAVA  SPA.  

PAGANONI ® is a company trademark that identifies our division dedicated to manufacturing and servicing products  used in the wire-drawing industry. We are well-known on the global market. We are specialized in the production and service of anti-wear materials and coatings for wire-drawing machine spare parts used with ferrous and non-ferrous metal wires. Under the trademark PAGANONI ®  we have realized the well-known materials and coatings  KERBLACK®, KERSINT®, WOLSIDE®, NIKSINT®,  to which we have recently added  COLDSIDE®.


MARIO NAVA SPA was founded in 1956 by the Family Nava. In 1975, the trademark PAGANONI® – that belongs to the Family  NAVA – was registered and the following products were developed:  KERBLACK®, KERSINT®, WOLSIDE®, NIKSINT®.  The trademark COLDSIDE® and WHITESINT® have been added recently.  Since its  start, the activity dedicated to the wire-drawing industry was located in the facilities of our headquarters in Bosisio Parini. In 2000, the  PAGANONI ®  activity was absorbed into MARIO NAVA SPA and became a division of this company, while maintaining top management and workers unchanged. In 2008, the structure expanded and the  PAGANONI ®   division was moved to a new area in Annone Brianza, where a new industrial building had been purchased. The new factory is few kilometers far from our historical headquarters, and is dedicated to the wire-drawing industry.


The trademark  PAGANONI® was registered in 1975. Since then  and during all these years, we have finalized our own processes that have allowed us to develop special products, protected by registered marks. Our trademarks are so famous that some of their names have  become part of the technical language of the wire-drawing industry, worldwide.  Of course, we are pleased by this recognition, because it confirms the quality and innovation content of our products; nevertheless, our customers have increasingly alerted us to the problem and  invited us to clear any fog. Indeed, sometimes a certain confusion comes from the fact that other products with a similar name are sold on the market . We feel the necessity  to clear the field of any misunderstanding. These names  – marks – refer to technologies and materials developed by us. This means that, despite the same names are used  (illegally), the products that boast our name but do not come from our factory are not the original ones. Our products are marked and trackable.

The trademark PAGANONI ®  should not be confused with any other possible marks or denominations containing similar family names or terms.


All products realized by our company with the trademark  PAGANONI ®  are systematically marked in order to allow their complete trackability. Thanks to this system, that we have implemented since the start of the business, we have the possibility to track back the life cycle of our materials and parts. In innumerable cases we could ascertain the extreme durability of our coatings, with lives that far exceed our customers’ expectations.

Our products, acknowledged by the market as high-quality solutions, are extremely performant. Their advantages are noticeable in the long term, thanks to the long life of our manufactured or refurbished capstans, cones, rings, etc.  as well as in the short term, because the quality of our materials directly affects the quality of the wire.


MARIO NAVA SPA is growing, despite this unfavorable moment of the global and domestic economy . Soon we will have a new department: we are equipping the company with  the most leading-edge 3D-printers  for the laser sintering of ceramics and metals (titanium, aluminum, special steels …)

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