To the left, Mr. Philippe Armengaud, Bekaert’s Senior Vice President, CPO e General Manager of Group Business Development with Ferruccio Bellina, Presidente Tecnovo e Tkt Group, to the right
Tecnovo has been awarded as “Best Supplier 2013” by NV Bekaert S.A., multinational world leader Group in the steel wire production, present on a world scale in EMEA, North America, South America and Asia. Tecnovo has stood out as best Bekaert supplier of the year, having achieved the highest score, among all suppliers, in terms of customer assistance, technological innovation, high product performances, timely deliveries and customer orientation. The company thanked Bekaert for the prestigious award given, proud of reaping the fruits of the efforts made in terms of investments, product research and development, technological innovation and constant improvement, factors that have influenced in determinant way the attainment of this result. Besides, Tecnovo has granted that the award represents only the starting basis for a sound and growing collaboration with Bekaert Group and that this “best practice” will be repeated in the interaction with all customers of Tkt Group. Tecnovo has been producing lubricants and chemical auxiliaries for the metal wire drawing and machining since 1945, standing out for the research and the development of innovative drawing lubricants, strategic products for the operational efficiency in compliance with environmental regulations.