By investing in a new, fully automatic wire handling system at the Emmenbrücke steel rolling mill, Swiss Steel are taking an important step towards implementing Industry 4.0 in steel production
There is continuing growing trend toward modified custom special steels. To meet future customer demands for wire rod products and greater coil weights, Swiss Steel has invested 8.5 million Euros at their Emmenbrücke site.
The entire coil handling division is now state-of-the-art and provides maximum flexibility during further processing of the steel as well as during binding and packaging of the drawn wire.
These are important prerequisites for the development of steel products for specific customers. Modernization is one way that Swiss Steel AG is further strengthening their position as a technology leader.
Customer orientation, flexibility and safety – these are the key words in focus of sustainable steel production. With the modernization of the steel rolling mill Swiss Steel, a company of the SCHMOLZ + BICKENBACH Group, is specifically focusing on the future demands of wire production.
Apart from occupational safety, the high degree of automation and more room for maneuver in production and customer service are central elements of coil handling. The process parameters were extensively documented electronically, and the material flow is comprehensible at all times.
Intelligent data analysis supports conceptual freedom in bespoke development projects – specifically when it comes to configuring product properties to meet specific requirements and the needs of individual customers. Swiss Steel is taking a crucial step towards Industry 4.0 in steel production.
Customer orientation? A question of entrepreneurial spirit

Swiss Steel has modernized the 5-stage Kocks block in bar and wire production, thereby securing reliable delivery
New at the rolling mill is also the technology used from acceptance of the drawn wire to its pressing into coils at the two wire lines. After acceptance testing, the wire is transported by means of a vertical pallet system with 60 pallets and a smaller, horizontal hook conveyor to the state-of-the-art press.
The technology replaces the almost 40-year-old horizontal transport via a hook conveyor. Combined with the new press, the process is now faster and delivers more consistent quality while using much less energy: The loose wire is pressed into coils using two press plates to prevent damage to the product.
The pressing power of this process can be adjusted to customer specification. The coils are then bound with flat steel strips for a more compact package. Compared to conventional binding with steel wire, transport safety and surface quality are guaranteed at all times.
In focusing offerings on the customer, the efficiency of the wire’s further processing by the customer improves. Swiss Steel is thus optimally prepared for the increasing demand in this area for higher coil weights and innovative process ideas.
Swiss Steel implemented the measure during the summer production stop and at the same time modernized the 5-stage Kocks block which was inaugurated in 2002. This block is used to produce bar and wire in Garret (18 – 50 mm ø) and Stelmor (5.5 – 17.5 mm ø) dimensions.
In taking this step, delivery reliability has increased sustainably, while maintaining the highest standards of quality. Occupational safety has also improved and now complies with current occupational health and safety regulations.